Saturday, February 7, 2009

Today, my troubles are right up close

From this week's Portland Mercury. From now on my monkey count will probably go down a bit, but I have every confidence that this blog will still sustain a daily count: I lost my job yesterday. NO more ridiculous mommy blogs to look at, NO more sorel boot mentions in fashion blogs, tho i still really want a pair, NO more weird crap in the mail. And, most importantly: NO MORE CHIPPING AWAY AT MY SOUL BY SMALL-MINDED, SMALL-DICK, SELFISH, ASSHOLE, EGOMANIACAL, NARCISSISTIC FUCKWADS. For 5 months it was like trying to fit a square peg in a round hole and I am now grateful for the opportunity to DO what it IS that i'm SUPPOSED to DO. My former employer? a sad, sad prick of a man who is walking proof that MONEY WILL NEVER EVER BUY YOU HAPPINESS.

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